Sunday, November 13, 2011


Dear Diary,
I felt so lonely right now. Real lonely. I have been single for 21 years and nothing good comes to me. Why? All I want to question the God now is WHY? Did I do something wrong that is unforgivable? Am I that bad? Am I not worth it at all? Not even a slight chance for me to feel love? What have I done to deserve this? Please tell me and I will change. I do not want to be single anymore. I know I am not the best person in the world but I believe I'm not the worst either! Why? Why, God, Why? What makes me deserve this? Just tell me and I will change for whatever it takes. I need love. A love that is not from family but from someone who I can count on for the rest of my life. Is that really that hard to get love? Do I really have to live as spinster? I would rather be widow if that's the case. All I can do now is improve myself, upgrade myself to a better person. I'm hoping for the best, I guees.. :)